What and how to use file handling in C?

Files : File is a collection of numbers, symbols and text placed on the disk. file can be read and modified as per the user requirement, thus file allow us to store information permanently in the disk. The file object contain all information about stream like current position, pointer to […]

How to write a program to convert a binary number to a decimal number?

#include <stdio.h> int main() {     int num, rem, digit=0, j=1;          printf(“Enter the number in binary \n”);     scanf(“%d”, &num);          while(num > 0){         rem = num%10;         digit += rem*j;         j *= 2;         num = num/10;     }          […]

Write a program to make star pattern Pyramid.

Hey Guys 🙂 , today i am going to tell you the tricks to make star pattern like pyramids. Suppose we have to make pattern like * ** *** **** So here are the steps to make pattern like this as; Step 1: count the depth or number of levels in a […]

What are the pointers and how to use them in C?

What is Pointer? this is a question who trouble many of us, so i decide to write on it, hope it helps you 🙂 When we define a variable in c or whatever language, the compiler will find unused/vacant location in memory and allocate that to variable, to use. As we know […]