What is React context good for & how to use?

Before diving in what is React context? Let’s first understand why do we need it with an example. Let’s consider a scenario where we have 6 components A,B,C,D,E & F. some are the child components please refer the below image for better understanding. Here A,B & C are first level […]

How To Make Text Input Field In React Native?

TextInput is React Native’s core component. It allows the user to take the input. There are many Props (properties) that make, TextInput useful for us. defaultValue : Used to show default value before value being changed by users. onChangeText : This allows the user to take a function i.e. called every […]

Does Fundamentals Of React Also Used In React Native?

Yes, React native runs on React. React is one of popular Open source Javascript library, used for building user interfaces with help of Javascript. There are some core concepts behind the React, those are also used in the React Native. Components: Components are like Java Script functions. It let us […]

How to use header, footer & item seprator into Flat list?

Hi Everyone 🙂 , today we are going to learn, how to add header, footer and item separator into flat list? There are many props in Flat list. some primary props we had learned in our previous tutorial; you can checkout here Make simple list using Flat List in React […]

How to move from one screens to another?

React Navigation is used for managing the presentation and transition between screens. Here we are discussing about the react navigation 5.X React navigation is born from the react native community. It provides us the feature to move/navigate from one screen to another just by few lines of code. Let’s create […]